måndag 31 januari 2011

fredag 21 januari 2011

For the first time after the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the British Museum has returned the Cyrus Cylinder to the country under tight security measures.
The Koran mentions a man by the name Zulqarnain, this man who is good and righteous is none other than Cyrus the Great, some people would say that he is Alexander, but it is proved that it can  only be the great persian king.

United Nations on Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib

UNDP quoted the following sayings of Imam Ali (AS) in its 2002 Arab Human Development Report
He who has appointed himself an Imam (ruler) of the people must begin by teaching himself before teaching others. His teaching of others must be first by setting an example rather than with his words, for he who begins by teaching and educating himself is more worthy of respect than he who teaches and educates others."
Your concern with developing the land should be greater than your concern for collecting taxes, for the latter can only be obtained by developing; whereas he who seeks revenue without development destroys the country and the people.
Seek the company of the learned and the wise in search of solving the problems of your country and the righteousness of your people
No good can come out in keeping silent to the government or in speaking out of ignorance
The righteous are men of virtue, whose logic is straightforward, whose dress is unostentatious, whose path is modest, whose actions are many and who are undeterred by difficulties
Choose the best among your people to administer justice among them. Choose someone who does not easily give up, who is unruffled by enmities, someone who will not persist in wrong doings, who will not hesitate to pursue right once he knows it, someone whose heart knows no greed, who will not be satisfied with a minimum of explanation without seeking the maximum of understanding, who will be the most steadfast when doubt is cast, who will be the least impatient in correcting the opponent, the most patient in pursuing the truth, the most stern in meting out judgment, someone who is unaffected by flattery and  not swayed by temptation and these are but few

Sång tillägnad Imam Ali

آی مردم ! آی مردم! علی از دنیاتون سیره

آی مردم ! آی مردم! علی بی زهرا میمیره

آی مردم ! آی مردم! آخر کارم رسیده

آی مردم ! آی مردم! مرگ دلدارم رسیده

آی مردم ! آی مردم! اجر پیغمبر ادا شد

آی مردم ! آی مردم! همه ی هستیم فدا شد

آی مردم ! آی مردم! غم و دردم بی شمارست

بعد از! این بعد ! از این آسمونم بی ستارست
صدا زد : آی مردم مدینه ! آی مردم مدینه

برید بخوابید ، دیگه گلایه و شکایت برا علی نیارید ، دیگه صدای فاطمم نمی آد 
آی مردم ! آی مردم! شما زهرا و نشناختید

آی مردم ! آی مردم! با گل یاسم نساختید

آی مردم ! آی مردم! کدوماتون اهل دردین

آی مردم ! آی مردم! خونم و ویرونه کردین

آی مردم ! آی مردم! گلم و با غم سرشته

رو لوح ، قلبم از ازل زینب نوشته

آی مردم ! آی مردم! من غلام شاه عشقم

سرمست عباس و عبد بانوی دمشقم

آی مردم ! این بیبی ، آبروی عالمینه


Shahid Bakeri

Bild på T-shirt från vänster till höger:Shahid Avini, Shahid Bakeri, Shahid Hemmat och Shahid Chamran

torsdag 13 januari 2011

Talaie (martyrernas vägkorsning)

I Iran vet de flesta var Talaie är någonstans, det är platsen där Hemat även kallad Heydare Kheybar blev Martyr och där Alamdare Khomeini (Khomeinis fanbärare) förlorade sin arm men det hindrade inte honom och slåss tills han blev martyr, det är platsen där bröderna Bakeri blev martyrer och ihågkomma för all framtid.
Fortfarande hittar man lik i Talaie och det kallas Talaie eftersom jorden där är blandad med Iranska martyrer, där vilar fortfarande Irans söner och det var det plats som Saddam intog först och det plats som Saddam förlorade sist.